Maxis-Match Modding

Extinguish Self


Fun mod that enables Sims to extinguish themselves when they are on fire by entering a swimming pool.

Sims who are on fire gain the following subqueue interaction available when clicking on the pool.

Sims will run to the pool, arms flailing, and will use the next available pool ladder or board to get in.

Sims are not immune while running, though. The longer the Sim was on fire previously, the less time they have to reach the pool before they expire.

Sims will also set fire to nearby objects as they run. If no objects are found, they will start small fires on empty tiles.

If the Sim in question knows Fire Safety, they gain additional time to reach the pool. Also, they will never start fires as they run.


You can tune this mod in SimPE.

Tuning Details

0x0 unused
0x1 Can Sims Set Fire As They Run? – Enabled by default. Sims running to the pool set fire to adjacent objects.
0x2 Ticks In Between Setting Fire To An Object While Moving – Default value is 20 ticks. This seems short, but it compensates for fast Sim run speed.
0x3 Distance In Tiles Between Sim And Flammable Object – Default value is 30. This seems high, but it compensates for fast Sim run speed.
0x4 Percent Chance Of Setting Fire To Object – Default value is 25%.
0x5 If Fails To Set Object On Fire, Can Fire Start On Empty Tile? – Enabled by default. Sims will start fires on empty tiles if there are no objects to set on fire.
0x6 How Many Minutes Does A Sim Get Per Animation Cycle Left? – 1 by default.
0x7 Extra Minutes For Learning Fire Safety – Sims are allotted extra time if they know this skill. 2 by default.
0x8 Can Sims Expire Before Reaching Their Destination? – Enabled by default. Set this to 0 if you want to ensure your Sims won’t burn up before reaching the pool.
0x9 Percentage Chance Of Fire Starting On Empty Tile – Refers to the fires started when no flammable objects are found. 100% by default.
0xA – Cap For Number Of Empty Fires Permitted Outside – Refers to fires started when no flammable objects are found. If there are this many fire objects outside, and the running Sim is also outdoors, the running Sim will not start any more. 4 by default.


• Cyjon’s Fireproof Toddlers. Incorporated into this mod.
• Midge’s Feed Fish. Destination conflict – unresolvable by load order.
• Ankoyume’s Invisible Pool Spots Are unsupported. The result looked extremely janky, too much so for my tastes.
• The firemod from MATY, and Midge’s version of said firemod conflict with this mod, but my mod will work as long as it loads after them.

This mod comes in four .packages and you need all four for the mod to work.