This mod will prevent the college timer from progressing on community college lots and allow it to progress on all residential lots. This lets your students crash nightclubs and cafés as long as they want, or, if you want your Sims to get the college experience over with – stay home! This also allows for roleplaying out active classes on community lots without a massive time penalty which is also something I wanted to do. It comes with an additional benefit of not desynchronising your Sim with your other students if only one Sim leaves for a community lot.
This is actually Pescado’s collegeclock turned into a global controller, edited, given a unique GUID and stripped of other functions. I’m lazy and do not have the foresight/desire to put it down everywhere myself. That said, it will detect if you *have* put down Pescado’s clock on a community lot and if you have, it will stop freezing time and Pescado’s clock’s settings will take precedence. Therefore you can set up some college community lots to not have college progression frozen if you wish. Also, this mod is compatible with college length-altering mods.