Fun little mod that makes it so that Sims lose relationship points for washing up other Sims’ stinky bowls and plates.
Sims will lose relationship if the following applies:
• The dish has flies (tunable)
• The dish washer has a minimum amount Neat points (0 by default, tunable)
• The dish leaver is present on the lot, including off-lot (so they actually had a chance to clean it)
• Both the dish washer and the dish leaver are teens or older
• The dish washer is not a Maid or Butler.
• And, obviously, it’s somebody else’s mess.

When these conditions are met, if the Sim is washing a single-serving dish, they will display a thought bubble of that dish’s Sim with an ‘X’, as well as a relationship loss effect. The Sim will lose STR (3 by default) with the Sim that left the plate. The mod decides who left what plate based on how much they ate from it.
If a Sim is washing multiple dishes, no thought bubble is displayed. Instead, they will lose a greater amount of STR (5 by default) with every Sim contributing to the dish stack. If a single Sim has contributed multiple times to a stack of dishes, the STR lost is cumulative.

Sims never lose STR when using a dishwasher, so this mod incentivizes using them a bit more.
You can tune this mod in SimPE.
Tuning Details

0x0 Debug – This is disabled by default. This just displays a notification when enabled.
0x1 Does Dish Need To Have Flies To Incur Relationship Loss? – Self-explanatory. Enabled by default. Change to 0 to disable.
0x2 Amount Added To STR – This is a negative value because the game will add it. Default value is -3.
0x3 This value is added to the above if the stack is washed per Sim – How the mod calculates the STR loss for plates in stacks is the above value plus this value. Default value is -2.
0x4 Minimum Neat Points To Lose STR With Another Sim – Default value is 0. If set to 400, for example, only Sims with four or more Neat Points will lose STR.
Mod Conflicts
• CBOY’s Eat More Talk Less. If you have this mod, it’s outdated for Freetime. It will also cause this mod not to function. In order for it to function, you need to have:
1) bstuDishItOut.package
2) CBOY_EatMoreTalkLess.package
3) DDDbstuDishItOutPATCH-EatMoreTalkLess.package
Loading in that order.
• Simler’s WashDishMods. Having these installed will nullify this mod unless you have the patch. You need to have:
1) bstuDishItOut.package
2) bstuDishItOutPATCH-WashDishModUpdate2 OR bstuDishItOutPATCH-WashDishModUpdate2-SkillVersion.
Loading in that order. You can remove Simler’s ‘WashDishMod’ packages, as they have been incorporated. The other mods listed on that page do not conflict.
The patch files do not work without the main mod.